Know Christ more fully, make Him more fully known to others

At CUAA, our students are regularly engaged in service to each other, the Church, and our community in various ways.

The Campus Ministry Leadership Team (CMLT) is the student force behind many of the campus ministry organizations on campus that unite under the same mission of helping students develop and grow in their faith in Jesus Christ. Join CMLT as a campus ministry coordinator, a New Crew leader, or a community group leader.

To learn more about any of the ministry opportunities listed below, or to get involved, contact Pastor Duncan at

Campus ministry coordinators

If you’re passionate about your faith and want to be a part of the faith journey of your peers and classmates, then becoming a Campus Ministry Coordinator (CMC) is a great way for you to get involved in campus life. CMCs are designated to either a residence hall or the commuter population to serve as spiritual and emotional support to their peers in the highs and lows of everyday life, always pointing them back to the One who loves them most, Jesus Christ.

Concordia Youth Ministries

Concordia Youth Ministries focuses on bringing the Word of God to youth in a fun, memorable way. Two major ways CYM does this include hosting lock-ins at churches, and hosting the Concordia Youth Gathering (previously known as Tool Time) right here on campus! Learn more about New Crew Youth Ministries at

Community groups

Community Groups meet weekly to discuss faith and life in candid and inviting ways. The groups are led by students who determine the topics of discussion each week. You can join a community group based off a time of week that works best for you, or to get to know people in an intentional way that share the same interests as you.

Alpha Omega

These regularly scheduled house parties take place in resident hall common areas and include food, dancing, and a testimony of Jesus’ love, given by a rotation of student speakers or faculty and staff on campus. If your resident hall is hosting Alpha Omega, you get to decide the theme!

Tuesday Night Worship leadership team

Many at Concordia look forward to Tuesday nights on campus because of the beloved, student-led Tuesday Night Worship. Be a part of the behind-the-scenes team that orchestrates the song and Scripture selections, and make sure the worship experience goes off without a hitch. This powerful time of worship is a meaningful break from the studying and bustle of campus life, and gives students a chance to give thanks and praise to God in worship with one another.

Worship arts team

Make a joyful noise unto the Lord! Use your God-given musical talents to be a part of the Worship Arts Team, and assist in leading worship at Daily Chapel, student-led worship, area church ministries, or special events. From strings and bass to piano and brass, the Worship Arts Team seeks involvement from all sorts of instrumentalists and vocalists.